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Bible Studies

Current and Upcoming Studies

Men's Bible Study

Mondays at 6pm

We are currently studying 1 Peter. Join for dinner, fellowship and study.

February Book Study

Tuesdays at 10:30am

Join us for coffee and discussion of Richard Rohr's "Falling Upward" on Tuesdays in February at 10:30am in the Parish Hall. We'll discuss 3 chapters each week.

Lenten Study of Luke

Tuesdays at Noon or Thursdays at 7pm

During Lent join a 40 day study of the Gospel of Luke. Our primary text is The Gospel of Luke, and we'll use Adam Hamilton's Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws videos as a guide; his book is an optional supplement for those who want to go deeper.

There are two options for meetings: Tuesdays at noon in the Parish Hall, or Thursdays at 7pm on Zoom. More details to follow soon!

Sunday Formation

March 2-April 13

Join us in the Parish Hall at 9am on Sundays during Lent to gain perspectives on God, religion, Jesus, salvation, the cross, the Bible, and the church from seven Christian thought leaders, using the “Animate Faith” series, featuring Brian McLaren, Lillian Daniel, Mark Scandrette, Shane Hipps, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Luaren Winner and Bruce Reyes-Chow.

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